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Diabetes Management Pack

Last update 1 month ago
ID #54743
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Shs. 740,000
Diabetes Management Pack
Modified 1 month ago


????Health benefits of micro2 cycle tablets.

✓Mantain proper heart health
✓Balance cholesterol and prevent blood clotting
✓Relieving pain especially the oppressed feeling in the chest.
✓Inhibit the blood platelet forming clots,
✓Inhibit the blocking of blood vessels
✓Improve blood circulation and promote oxygen delivery to cardiac muscle
✓Helpful for removing blood stasis
✓Improve the flow of blood through the small
vascular network
✓Accelerate the self healing mechanism
✓Prevents arteriosclerosis
✓An anti- depression
✓ Prevent senile dementia
✓Prevents Alzheimer's
✓ Treats edema (Retention of water in the body)
✓Good for migraine
✓Good for tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
✓Good for diabetes
✓Lower whole blood and plasma viscosity
✓Good for stroke prevention and reverse stroke
✓ Good for Numbness, heart attack
and meningitis
✓It enhances kidney lung and liver functions

????Benefits Of NMN coffee

°Blended mixture of instant coffee powder with NMN.
°Offers the best of taste while boosting the level of NAD+ in your body.
°It has powerful anti-aging properties.
°Enhances energy metabolism and physical activity.
°NMN suppresses age-associated weight gain.
°Good for diabetes as it improves insulin sensitivity.
°Improves eye function.
°Prevents age-linked changes
°It prevents heart aging.

????Benefits of Quad-Reishi Capsules
✓Boosts Your Immune System
✓ Fights Inflammation
✓Prevents and Fights Cancer
✓Lowers Blood Sugar
✓Lowers Cholesterol
✓Promotes liver health.
✓promotes heart health
✓Protects against viral infections
✓Reduce itching/itchy skin
✓Prevents Type 2 diabetes
✓Improves alertness and energy level.
✓Strengthens and improves functions of the liver and lungs.
✓Aids recovery from cough and eases breathlessness.
✓Aids in detoxification of liver and lungs.

????GymEffect Capsules

Gymnema Sylvestris
-lowers blood sugar levels and reduces sugar cravings.
- helps to keep blood sugar levels stable by preventing the body from absorbing sugar from the food that you eat.

Chromium-rich yeast
-enhances insulin use and breaks insulin resistance
-helps to keep blood sugar levels stable by improving glucose tolerance and total lipids.

PQQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone)
-promotes cardiovascular health and lowers risk of cardiovascular diseases

✓Helps control Blood Sugar Levels
✓Helps reduce Sugar Cravings
✓Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
✓Allows for a Healthy Weight Gain

????Benefits Of Pure & Broken Ganoderma Spores
???? Improves vitality and prevent illness
????Improve overall health, especially cardiac and hepatic health
????Provide highly concentrated level of broken ganoderma spores and 450% easier to absorb
????Enhance immunity system and raise appetite
????Sustain the healthy function of liver
????Helps to balance your cholesterol levels
???? Fights against all forms of tumors in the body
????Improves blood circulation in coronary artery
???? Slows down the spread of cancer in the body
???? Helps to balance blood sugar level and improve pancreatic function
????Protects the skin against cell degeneration
????Eliminates toxins from the body
????Helps to fight and inhibits free radicals
???? Helps unclogs arteries and support liver function
???? Helps Improve sexual function
???? Relieves fatigue and improve sleep
????Improves digestive system’
????Rejuvenates body cells and tissues
???? Prevents and fights Cancer
????Increase oxygen in your body
???? Very good for fibroid
????Helps support the regulations of blood pressure
???? Effectively helps in the healing of skin, wounds, scrapes psoriasis, mouth ulcer, external bleeding, bug bites and stings.

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Shs. 740,000

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Private person
Registered on December 3, 2021

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