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Zaminocal plus Capsules

Last update 1 month ago
ID #48812
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Shs. 100,000
Zaminocal plus Capsules
Modified 1 month ago



ZAMINOCAL PLUS CAPSULES scientifically formulated is the perfect bone partner, which applies a high technology - Amino Acid Chelating (AAC). With advanced AAC, our calcium and zinc supplements have high uptake (90%) in the body.
Compared with some other supplements containing a great amount of sugar, sodium, which are not suitable for people with diabetes and hypertension, ZaminoCal plus Capsules is 100% safe supplement suitable for every one including children, teenagers, pregnant and lactating women, elderly people and people who are allergic to common calcium supplements.
ZaminoCal plus Capsules, comes in 60 capsules and its sealed .
It has been approved to be used by elderly people .Its a supplement Not to be used by young adults, kids below 12 years

Benefits of Zaminocal
1.Enhance absorption of calcium and Zinc to over 90%
2. Maintain healthy bones & teeth
3. Prevent and improve osteoporosis
4. Suitable for minor, teenage, lactating woman and elderly
5. It prevents night blindness and improves eyesight
6 Corrects altered, small and taste and sensitivity
7. Prevent Goiter
8. Prevents and reverse importance
9. Promote tissue repair & growth
10. Enhance weak libido in both men and women
11. Enhance proper development of sexual organs
12. Slows down the aging process
13. It improves the immune system
14. It prevents respiratory and lung related diseases
15. It acts as a pain killer
16. If. reduces tiredness and stress
17. Rick in natural colleges which nourishes the skin.
18. It prevents and treats rheumatoid arthritis
19. It provides healthy nervous system and prevent depression and other mood disorders.
20. Improves lymph circulation
21. It treats and prevents Alzheimer and heart disorder.
22. It heals and strengthens the muscular, cartilage and nerve tissues.
23. It assists the internal regulation of blood glucose level
24. It supports die production of bad bacteria in the intestinal tract.
25. Prevents and treats cancer
26 Helps pregnant mothers to deliver quickly and without excess pain helps quick healing of
women in reproduction system after delivery
27. Normalize sleep & regular heart beat
28. Improves alertness and concentration
29. Powerful antioxidant
30. Fight infection bacteria or virus
31.Promotes Brain Development;
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Shs. 100,000

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Private person
Registered on December 3, 2021

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